
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Edit Counter Strike Video/Movie/Clip using Sony Vegas

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to Edit Counter Strike Video/Movie/Clip using Sony Vegas

Tags: Counter Strike 1.6, Videos,Clips,Movies,CS 1.6,Sony Vegas, Sony ,Vegas, Fraps,cs

Hi Guys.... Today we are going to see how we can edit out premade counter strike video which you may have captured by various methods.... and to Give Special effects like in professional videos you see....

I wont write the whole procedure here but provide a video ... which you can surely download for later use..!

Note: You maynot use Sony Vegas as capturing software for your Counter Strike Movies but it is a tool to edit and put special effects in the premade video itself...


  • You have already made your Counter Strike 1.6 Video / Clip /Demo
  • You have good working Computer wit Windows Xp or Vista...

The Sony Vegas Basic Video

Download this Video (Right Click & Select Save Target As)

Dont forget to read the link below... Consider it as PART 1

How To record CounterStrike Video in Easiest possible way..!

any comments ? Team


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Learn How to make Multiple Counter Strike (CS1.6) Servers (more than one server) ?

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to make more than one server in cs 1.6.?

Many Cs 1.6 geeks asked me how to host more than one CS1.6 Server on same PC... ?

This is how you should do it


  • You have little fast computer (now a days , people normally do have sufficciant configuration to run multiple server running).
  • You are using Windows XP or Windows 2000 (9x and NT not recommended)


  • Go to    to calculate how many players you can handle at most (so You must know your Upload speed .... to find out go to
  • Now divide the players in such a way that when all of them added should give you the total player capacity of your server. (we calculated in step 1)
  • For eg. If you have total of 24  player capacity then you can have several servers running with different configuration like 
  • a) two Servers of 12 players capacity each so that 12+12 =24
  • b)one 4players capacity , Second 12 player capacity, third 8 player capacity .. so that 4+12+8 = 24 Players in total.   ....... I Hope you get the idea..!
  • Make sure you have made all the settings correct for each server running... else read this!                                   e.g sv_maxrate , sv_maxupdaterate
  • Now launch you servers one after another (Use console mode for each not GUI) and make required changes for each by manually changing their sv_maxrate,sv_maxupdaterate using this Server Rate Chart .
  • Most Importtant: Donot Forget to change port for every server you create i.e. for 4 servers created should have 4 different ports assingned. Please have a look at images below. you can also download them
  • Image Multiserver (Full Size)
  • Image Portchange (Full Size)

Multi Server

Different Port Set for each Server


  • Never Play on same PC on which you are hosting your servers...... 

Thanks  ! ..... So have i missed something ?  anything else you wanna share ? Team


Counter Strike (Cs 1.6 ) Server Rate Chart and Calculator..!

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to Find Best Counter Strike (CS 1.6) Server Rates .. ?

Note: You wont find this type of Chart anywhere else so .... please recommend this site to your friends too ...

For All you Server Operators Out there ... I have prepared this Server Rate Chart... For you only.. so that your server should operate @ minimum lag and minimum response time !

These are the most important Settings that you must configure properly for your server:


2. sv_minrate

3. sv_maxupdaterate

4. maxplayers

5. sv_voicecodec voice_speex

6. sv_voiceenable 0

7. sv_voicequality 2

Please not i have done "sv_voiceenable 0" coz just incase if u enable it (sv_voiceenable 1) then the  quality wont cause much of lag and loss...!

Q:How to Use This Chart?

Ans:Simple ! Just go to and check your Upload Speed (Download speed is not so important) and Match it with the Nearest Possible value mentioned in the chart This way you will get the most optimum values for:




sv_minrate 0  (it is will remain zero in all cases)

then just put these values in your server.cfg file

Note: If you want the Best values Please use this Dynamic Server Rate Calculator ... !

also Note the Chart is for Windows servers Only ... not for Linux based.

Formulae Used in Makin Chart:

For Windows:

sv_minrate = 0 (always)

sv_maxupdaterate = sv_maxrate/300

sv_maxrate  =125 x uploadspeed / number_of_players_you_want

When sv_maxrate is constant:

1.sv_maxrate 8000

bandwidth in Kbps / 64 = recommended number of slots

2.sv_maxrate 6000

bandwidth in Kbps / 48 = recommended number of slots

3.sv_maxrate 4000

bandwidth in Kbps / 32 = recommended number of slots

4.sv_maxrate 3000

bandwidth in Kbps / 24 = recommended number of slots

For Linux:

sv_maxupdaterate = sv_maxrate/200

In Look Up Chart


1.sv_maxrate = Maximum Rate of Server

2. sv_minrate = Minimum rate of Server (it should always be Zero)

3. sv_maxupdaterate = How many frames per sec you are allowing for you clients to get.

4.Max players = maximum number of players you wish to allow.

5. Play Quality = how smooth your play  will be for you and players on your Server (Clients)

























































Counter Strike Server Rate Calculator Look Up Chart
Upload SpeedMax Playerssv_maxratesv_maxupdateratePlayQuality
170026800026Excellent Team


Monday, April 20, 2009

Learn How to make Counter Strike ( CS ) 1.6 Map .... !

By:Vimalesh Narayan

Note: This tutorial is an original work of  and All the credits belongs to him only  also the article is mentioned on this site to make people more aware of the process of making CS 1.6 maps without of a much difficulty..! No modifications are being made in the article.

Courtsey: All credits to for making this wonderful tutorial ..!

How to make Counter Strike (CS ) 1.6 Map .... ?

Get Learned!TUTORIAL
"I want to make CS maps but don't know where to start!"

I hear this all the time. And instead of kicking people in the face and throwing them in the gutter for trying to talk to me, I thought I'd change my ways and write this little helpy page. Note: this is for people who have ABSOLUTELY no clue about making maps for HL or HL mods. So, if that is you, and you need to be told what to do, read on, little doggy! 

This guide is NOT for CS:Source or HL2 etc. 

If you have less time watch the video

This guide IS for original Counter-Strike (v1.6 or older). However, it is a good starting point to learn to map for similar games.

Step 1 - Get the DopeINSTALL
You can't make something out of nothing, so grab yourself a shiny new copy of the "Valve Hammer Editor" and also get the "ZHLT Compilers". These are absolutely required to make maps for HL games. 

Direct link to Hammer Editor (v3.4)
Direct link to ZHLT Compilers (v2.53r17)

The Valve Hammer Editor, henceforth referred to as "Teh Hammre" is what you will use to physically build your map. With it you decide the placement of walls, textures, player starts etc.. ZHLT converts, or compiles your map so that Half-Life can load and play it.

Install Teh Hammre and start the program. Click NO when it asks you something upon starting up. You should look at the help guide later but for now it has too much information all at once. Then you should see something similar to this:


It's time to configure!

Get Learned! Step 2 - Plug It InCONFIGURE

Many new users of Teh Hammre are so scared by the configuring process that they run away, never to come back. There's a TON of stuff to set up! The trick is that you can ignore most of it, so here's all you need to do: 

1) Click the Game Configurations tab
2) Click the Edit button
3) Click the Add button in the dialog that pops up
4) Type "cstrike" in the textbox
5) Click the OK button
6) Click Close
7) Now click the Add button on the big Configure window
8) Add the file called "halflife-cs.fgd" ..Locationof fgd file?...  or
Download halflife-cs.fgd here...Google will get directories anyne and download .fgd file ....Else  get this 
9) Click the Textures tab
10) Click the Add WAD button
11) Add the file called "cstrike.wad" Location of wad file? or  
Download cstrike .wad FILE
12) All done -- click OK to close the big Configure window

You can get back to the Configure window by selecting Tools->Options from the menu bar. You should go there and look around once you are familiar with map design.

If you completed everything on this page, you're now ready to start building!

Get Learned! Step 3 - Buildin' BlocksBRUSHES
You should have Teh Hammre open, so now select File->New from the menu bar. You should now see 4 big black rectangles, or viewports, labelled camera, top, front and side. To the right, you should see a panel that looks like this:

Office Map

That panel shows what texture is currently selected. A texture is a picture that is plastered onto a wall, floor, ceiling, or surface in a 3d game. You've probably seen them before. You can choose a new texture by clicking the Browse button. It will display a list of all the textures you have loaded right now. (Remember opening the file 'cstrike.wad'? That's where these textures came from.) 

Once you have selected a texture that makes your heart filled with gladness, click the button on the left that looks like this:

Office Map

This is the brush creation tool. A brush is a 3d chunk of space defined by a few surfaces. For example, a cube is defined by 6 surfaces or planes. Move your mouse pointer over the viewport labelled 'top'. It should look like a plus with a fuzzy rectangle. Now click and drag on the grid in the top viewport to draw a rectangle. When you let go of the drag, the rectangle should turn white and 8 little white handles should appear around it. You can use the handles to resize your rectangle.

KEY POINT: Look at the other viewpoints. Your rectangle is actually a 3d box! Isn't that rad? What you need to get used to is looking at a 3d object from different 2d views. If you can master that, you'll be able to create just about anything you like!

Now notice that you can resize your box in all 3 viewports. This may not seem important now, but when you are building a complex shape later, this is super-duper useful. Also try clicking inside your box and dragging it. This is how you move it around. 

Now hit Enter on your keyboard. Your box should have turned blue or green, meaning it actually exists now. Before it was just a plan. You can click on your box, or brush, like I said earlier, and it will turn red. In Hammer, when something is red, that means it is selected. You can resize and move selected brushes just like you did before. 

Now glue on your wings because it's time to get to the next page, Sally!

Get Learned! Step 4 - Learn to FlyCAMERAS

See that big juicy red button that looks like this?

camera button

That's the camera button, and we're going to use it to look at stuff! So click it and enter camera mode. In camera mode you can't move brushes around, you can only look around. So, hold shift and click and drag in the top viewport from A to B as shown:

Office Map

That's how you create a new camera. The blue circle is the eye and the red line is the direction of sight. By clicking on either end you can move them around. To delete a camera, just press Delete on your keyboard while it is selected (red). 

If you created your camera correctly, you should see a 3d box in the upper left viewport like this:

Office Map

If you don't see it, look in your top, front and side viewports to make sure that the line of sight is pointing from the eye to your brush. If you STILL can't see it, make sure your camera isn't too close to your brush. Don't read further until you can see your brush in 3d! 

If you can see your brush in 3d, left click and hold in the 3d viewport and move the mouse around A LITTLE BIT. This is how you turn the camera view, or look around. 

Now RIGHT click and hold in the 3d view and move the mouse A LITTLE BIT. This is how you move the camera in it's plane of vision -- any direction but forward. Get used to this and then continue reading. 

Ok, now here's where it gets wild, LEFT AND RIGHT click at the SAME TIME and hold in the 3d view and move the mouse. This is how you move forward. 

These controls may seem odd but once you get used to them you'll be able to fly around your map with the greatest of ease. The reason why I told you to move the mouse A LITTLE BIT is because if you move too much you can get lost in the scary blackness. If this happens to you, just create a new camera in the top viewport that is pointing at something to look at. 

Now that you can fly, let's build a room...

Get Learned! Step 5 - PlumbingLEAK PROTECTION

Before I explain what a leak is, why don't you click where it says camera in the 3d view and select 3D textured: 

Office Map

You should now see that your brush is wall-papered with that texture you picked earlier. You can click any of the viewport labels to change what each view is, but don't worry about that now. Back to the main subject, here's the most important point of all this:

Your job as a mapper is to build a 3d container that holds water (or beer). 

Stunned? Let me explain. Think of brushes as solid blocks of wood you can glue together and build stuff with in real life. Now whatever you build, we're going to magically fill it with precious, precious beer. Then we're going to turn it upside down and shake it around A LOT. If any of the beer comes out, you have a leak. LEAKS ARE BAD. The biggest problem beginners have is leaks. 

Take a look at this box, maybe it's going to be a room in a Counter-Strike map: 

Office Map

It's got an open top, and that's not good. You know why? The beer! We're going to lose the beer! All we need to do is slide a brush on top to seal up the room:

Office Map

Only in picture 3 is the beer going to be safe. No matter what shape map you make it has to be all sealed up with NO leaks. Example: 

Office Map

Check it out! This complicated system of rooms and hallways is just a bunch of brushes sitting in the right places. I made it by positioning each one where you see it: 

Office Map

Now I want you to just build a single squarish room. So first, click on this button:

Office Map

That's the selection tool -- it's what you were using after you created your brush, when you moved it and stretched it. Now click on your brush to select it (in 3d or 2d view). It should turn red. Use the white handles in the 2d views to make it square and flat. It's going to be your floor. 

It might be helpful to know that you can use the + and - keys on the FAR RIGHT EDGE of your keyboard to zoom in and out in the 2d views. Just put your mouse pointer over a 2d viewport and press keypad + or -. 

Remember how you could move your brush by clicking on it (not the handles) and dragging it around? Try this: hold shift, click on your brush and move it to a different spot, then let go. You have to be holding shift when you let go on the mouse. If you do it right, you will have made a copy of your brush. Take this copy, and using the white handles, resize and move it to make a wall like this:

Office Map

Once you have done that, keep copying the wall to make the 3 other walls. Then copy the floor, and make a ceiling out of it. Be careful that you don't just move the originals! You need to COPY them -- it's easy to mess up. 

When you're done, you should have something similar to the closed beer-box above. Try to move your camera into your room and look around. Then get ready for Step 6!

Get Learned! Step 6 - SprinklesENTITIES

Before we sprinkle some entities onto your map, let me show you one more thing about textures. Click the Browse button in the upper right by the little picture of the texture you picked earlier. Select a different looking texture. Then (in selection mode, not camera mode), click on your floor brush. Once it's turned red, click this button:

Office Map

As you hopefully noticed, this button applies the current texture to the selected brush(es). By the way, you can select more than one brush by holding Ctrl while clicking on brushes. Also, if you click in a 2d view, but not on a brush, and drag, you can make a selection box. When you hit enter, any brushes inside the box will turn red (selected). You should try this out a bit. 

Back to business: we need to create a start point or two. Preferably one for CT and one for T. This is going to be pretty easy so just click the ugly light bulb of justice:

Office Map

This is the entity creation tool. Now, if you look to the right, you should see a panel like this:

Office Map

In the listbox titled Objects, or where it says 'ambient_generic' in the picture, choose 'info_player_start'. info_player_start is the CT start point entity. An entity is an object you can place in your map that has some special meaning to the game. Wherever you place info_player_start's is where each CT will start at the beginning of a round of Counter-Strike. 

Now move your mouse pointer over the top 2d viewport. Your pointer should look like a creepy plus with an axe. Click inside your room and this will make a little green square with lines sticking out of it -- a locator. Make sure the locator is inside your room in ALL THREE 2D VIEWS. Then hit Enter on your keyboard. Now you should have a tall green box -- about the size of a Counter-Terrorist. As long as it is completely inside the room, you are ok. You can move it around with the selection tool (red arrow). Make sure it is not touching the floor or walls or ceiling because then the player will be stuck! It's ok if it's floating in the air. It's not ok if it's outside the room in invalid space because that is another way to get a LEAK error. 

Now create another entity, but this time make an info_player_deathmatch. This is the Terrorist start point entity. In a real map you'd want 16 or so of each kind, but for this map 1 each is ok. 

Now for the last addition to your map: a light source. It's another entity so choose 'light' from the Objects listbox. Put this inside your room as well, maybe near the ceiling. A light entity is just an invisible dot that radiates a little sunshine. You won't see a light fixture or anything inside the game -- you'd have to build that out of brushes. 

Your light should look like a little pink box, and you know what we do to little pink boxes, right? We click on them! And they turn red! Once you have done this, press Alt-Enter. Alt-Enter is keyboard speak for "show me the properties!" This works all over the place, not just Hammer. Try clicking on a file in windows and pressing Alt-Enter. 

Anyway, you should see this now:
Office Map

Notice the list of attributes. All entities have some attributes and some entities have lots. Click on Brightness. The value should be 255 255 128 200. The first three numbers are the color (yellow in this case) and the fourth number is the brightness. Leave the brightness alone but use the Pick color button to pick some god-awful color for your light to shine. When your're done, close the Object Properties window and save your map with File->Save. 

I don't care where you save your map but don't close Hammer, just minimize it. (Don't use spaces in your map name.) Then continue:

Get Learned! Step 7 - Finish LineCOMPILE & PLAY

In Step 1 I told you to download the ZHLT Windows executables. That file should be a ZIP file so go ahead and extract all the files in it to a new folder on your hard drive. A good place for this is:


Open that folder so you are looking at the contents:
Office Map

If you do not see file extensions on your files, like the '.exe', '.txt' above, then click here it's very important!

As shown in the picture, create a new text document by right clicking in the white-space and then using the pop-up menu. Name the file 'mapname.bat' where mapname is what you decided to call your map. 

Go back into Hammer and click File->Export to .MAP. Save you map as '' in the folder where you just created 'mapname.bat'. Then close Hammer and go back to the folder where 'mapname.bat' is. 

Now right click on 'mapname.bat' and choose Edit. This should cause Notepad to open with nothing in it. Type the following stuff into the document exactly as shown, replacing 'mapname' with whatever name you are actually using:

Without Steam
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "C:\half-life\cstrike\maps"
cd C:\half-life
hl -dev -console -game cstrike +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname

"C:\half-life" may not be the correct location of Half-Life on your computer. Make sure you type the correct location on both the lines where it says that. 

With Steam
@echo off
hlcsg -nowadtextures mapname
hlbsp mapname
hlvis mapname
hlrad mapname
copy mapname.bsp "C:\Steam\SteamApps\EMAIL\counter-strike\cstrike\maps"
"C:\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 10 -dev +sv_cheats 1 +map mapname

"C:\Steam" may not be the correct location of Steam on your computer. Make sure you type the correct location on both the lines where it says that. Also replace "EMAIL" with your account name. And if you do not have a "maps" folder, create one. 

When you're sure you have it right, save the file and close Notepad. Then double click on the file 'mapname.bat' to run it. Lot's of confusing stuff will show up in a command window as ZHLT compiles your map. When it is done you will see (at the bottom): 

Press any key to continue . . . 

Now do NOT press a key! First make sure nothing went wrong. Look in the folder where 'mapname.bat' is and if you see a new file called 'mapname.err' then your map FAILED to compile. If it failed, click here. Otherwise you can continue. 

Go back to the command window and press any key. Counter-Strike will start and load your map in singleplayer mode. You will be able to use cheats like noclip and god and impulse 101 for testing. Try them! (You won't have a gun or anything until you type impulse 101 in the console.) 

That's it! You've made your first map. Ain't you one special duckling! 

Read the Appendix for guidance on where to go next!

Tons of tutorials and useful information can be found by googling these sites: 

The Valve ERC
The VERC Collective

If you are having a problem, believe me that thousands of people have had it before and discussed it on the following forums. Use the search feature to find old discussions that may answer your questions. Only post a new question if you can't find an answer through searching. Then other forum-goers will be glad to help you! 

VERC Forums
EditLife Forums

Read the Help inside Hammer! It's surprisingly helpful. Don't forget to use the Index and Search tabs. 

Using search engines like Google and Yahoo is a good idea, too, especially if you know basically what you are looking for. If you want to know how to make a sky in your map, try searching for "worldcraft half-life sky" (remember that Hammer is aka Worldcraft). 

Finally, here is a list of miscellaneous things I think you should know. 
Remember to save your map as a .map file in your compile folder before compiling each time. 
Periodically save backups of your map in case you mess it up. You'll be glad you did. 
In Hammer, press the [ and ] keys to change the fineness of the 2d grid. Use a big grid size to make walls and floors etc.. Use a fine grid to make detailed objects. 
ALWAYS USE THE BIGGEST REASONABLE GRID SIZE for what you are building. This has many advantages: 
Less likely to get leaks. 
Map stays clean and easy to edit. 
Faster compile times. 
Don't use flashing lights much ever. They are very annoying even if you think they're cool when you first try them. 
Lights in the real world are almost always white/offwhite/a little yellowy. Use colored lights carefully and only where they make sense. Newbies use too many colored lights. 
Sunlight is ALWAYS white. Solid bright white light. The only exception is when sunlight enters the atmosphere at such a low angle that there is some slight pink or orange distortion. 
Moonlight is NOT blue. Ever. It is low intensity white light. 
Learn about the ZHLT compilers. They have lots of sweet options. 
And learn to use texture lights instead of light entities! 

Thanks for playing and good luck! 

Update! Learn how to make ladders and more here!

Note: The article is published for CS 1.6 Geeks interest and  If You have any Problem with this publication , let me know and i will remove it on priority basis.

Thanks to

from Team 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Secrets of Perfect Counter Strike Server in 16 Steps

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to Creater Secrets of Perfect Counter Strike Server in 16 Steps .?

Hi Guys ...!

Today i trying my heart out to make you learn the same way i made my lagless server ...!

Guess what .... It is Absolutly possible and easy to make 20  People server under 512Kbps (kilo bits per second) without any noticible lag ..!

Looks.. interesting ... Read on...!

16 Steps to perfect Counter Strike Server:

Get ready with Pen and paper to jot down important values.

  1. Power on your computer and close /kill all un-necessary processes in task manager.
  2. Open your favorite browser and Go to to check your Upload speed (Download speed doesnt matter much here). Note down the Upload speed value in the piece of paper.
  3. Now install the CS 1.6  Server to root of any partition you like (e.g D:\HLDS)  .... .........(Teach me this Step 4)
  4. Install AMX MODX in the same directory   .... (Teach me this Step)
  5. Install only Necessary AMX MODX plugins in the server  ... (Teach me this step)
  6. Create a RAM DISK of atleast 600 MB  .... (Teach me this step)
  7. Copy server folder (e.g. HLDS) to root of RAMDISK  (e.g E:\HLDS)
  8. Swap drive letters RAMDISK (E:) and Original Server drive letter (i.e. D:) such that Now RAMDISK has D: drive letter and Original Server drive letter is E:   ...(Teach Me this Step)
  9. Click here and Calculate important Server Settings ... Note Down in that piece of paper.
  10. Paste those setting in server.cfg file ( server.cfg file located in D:\HLDS\cstrike\   folder)
  11. Save RAMDISK  image  (i dont mean any picture here) ... so that it can used as backup.
  12. Now Go to CS Server folder and Launch the hlds.exe in console mode ... so just Go to cstrike folder and right click oh hlds.exe and select Send to desktop to create Shortcut icon on Desktop, On Desktop right click on "Shortcut to hlds" and select properties and In Target enter " D:\HLDS\hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +maxplayers 16 +port 27015 +sys_ticrate 250 +heapsize 262144 +map de_dust2 +mp_timelimit 0 +fps_max 100 +sv_unlag 1 +sv_maxunlag 0 +mp_freezetime 2 +clientport 27055 -insecure "
  13. Copy the  Shortcut to HLDS  icon from desktop to D:\HLDS folder to make backup of it..!
  14. Make sure you have applied all the Server Optimisation Tips and Tricks Descripbed in this site.
  15. Start your Server (hlds.exe) using Short to hlds icon created in step 13.

So Howz you r server running noW ?

Any thing else you wanna know ..? Team


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spray/Logo/Tag Creation Tutorial for Counter Strike 1.6 2009

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to Create Custom Spray Logos for Counter Strike 1.6

This is pretty simple to do ....


  • Download the Hltagconverter Here
  • Run it and load any image you want to make spray logo for.
  • Click on adjust image button (choose the sizes available , multiple of 16) and the press button "Convert into 256 colors"
  • Click on Save  button

  • Select export to WAD , button and give any name to file and locate where you want to save the file.
  • Remember where you 've saved the file
  • Click Close button
  • move that .WAD file so created into your server/cstrike/ Directory.  

Still finding it Difficult ........

Then watch this HLtagconverter Video team


Download Maps Faster sv_downloadurl Trick Counter Strike 1.6 Source CZ

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to make your Counter Strike Clients (Players) to

Download maps and sounds blazingly fast

Now that you have your Server installed but you notice that new maps are getting downloaded at slow speed  fot your clients (i.e. server players)

So here is the Trick to make maps and other media Download super fast than you ever wanted..!


  • You are the Server
  • You know execution of commands in command window


  • Run your server (hlds.exe) and in command window type sv_downloadurl  and hit return (enter key on keyboard)
  • note down the default value sv_downloadurl as backup .... just incase if something goes wrong ..!
  • Now below is the list of urls which you can use it for sv_downloadurl command.


Note : You DONOT have to use all but select only one from this list

( Tip: select the one which opens faster for you )











If you find any of these links not working then let me know i will update as soon as possible..!

  • Now go to command window and put


  • again to confirm type in command window of server sv_downloadurl , it should show the value  as  ""

The sv_downloadurl screen

****IF  U WANT ADD OTHER MAPS and Media Follow the steps below****

If you Dont find anyof above urls reliable or wanted to add other maps to cstrike/map folder than you have make an aacount in some free file storing serice on net

The best service so far i have found is  , so just register an account there and upload your whole cstrike folder there ...


When u add custom sounds,maps & skins, players have to download it before connecting to your server.The HLDS ( Half-Life Dedicated server ) is designed not to transfer files more than 8kB/s.Hence it takes lot of time for players to download.
As a result you will lose players.using this sv_downloadurl , clients will download all files at their maximum download speed possible not a 8kB/s


1) First of all, you need a webhosting. All free webhosting will not work and are difficult to find but worth experimenting .
2) When you make a account at webhosting,you will get a sub-domain like, where 1234 is your username & is that webhosting provider.
3) Make a folder 'cstrike' on webhosting using webFTP or with Filezilla and make sub-folders maps,sound,models too
  So URL of your folders will be this
4) Put your custom things in appropriate folders on webhosting  
5) Now open your cstrike\server.cfg of your server
  add these lines and remove if they already exist
  sv_allowdownload 1
  sv_allowupload 1
  sv_downloadurl ""
  Change sv_downloadurl value to your webhosting's URL and dont forget that /cstrike/ at the end. Restart server & enjoy  ! Team


AMX MODX Plugins Installation How To ? A General way !

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to Install AMX MODX Plugins ..

A  General Way !

Here I am discussing you the very general way of

installing any AMX MODX plugin !

in your  counter strike Directory


  • You have already installed AMX MODX 
  • You are the Server

AMX MODX Plugin Installation Procedure :

1) Download the plugin (.zip or .rar file) you want to Install.Open it using Winrar or Winzip .When opened it should contain .amxx files and .sma files .

2) Paste all the .amxx  files in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins/folder of your server and Similarly Paste all the .sma  files in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting/ folder of your server
3) Copy the plugin name (with .amxx extention too,e.g.  rm.amxx) & paste the plugin name in the end of plugins.ini file (located in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/config/   folder)
4) Some plugins also come with a .txt file with same name as your plugins,paste it at
  cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/ folder
5) You may have to set additional commands, check plugin's readme file for more info.

I Hope this should solve your plugin installtion problem...!

Thanks Team


sXe Injected 7.7, 7.6, 7.5, 7.4 version 2009 How to install it !

By:Vimalesh Narayan

Install sXe Injected 7.7, 7.6, 7.5, 7.4 Counter Strike Anti-cheat System

 The procedure explained below will make you able to play on sXe injected Server...

sXe Injected For Clients

Download the Client Version

sXe injected on Server

Download sXe injected for Server

The Original download Page is here

Procedure for Clients:

  • Download the sXe inJected latest version HERE
  • Install it like any Other normal .exe file
  • or Follow the pictures (in order from top to bottom) shown below







Now that you have installed it correctly 

Here is How to use sXe Anti Cheat System 2009 in Counter Strike

Close or Kill any counter strike or server that may be running (in tak manager kill hl.exe or hlds.exe , if found)

Launch seX injected and Click on update button

now you may launch your Counter Strike it will automatically trigger the hl.exe

For your convenience below is the image in order of their execution..


I Hope it will be clear for you ....

Let me know if you need more...!


All those PPL who are experiencing problem in installation or execution of sXe injected (any version) ... I will only be able to correct them after 22 May 2009... As i am busy with my projects... So Please have some patience till i post the same article in detailed format..!

Also dont forget to leave your email address so that the solution will reach stright into your inbox.

Thanks for Understanding..


Counter Strike Server Remote Administration

By:Vimalesh Narayan

Counter Strike Server Remote Administration

Yes you can have a greater Control of your 

  • Counter Strike 1.6 Server
  • Counter Strike Source
  • Counter Strike Condition Zero
  • and list goes on....

How ?

Ever wondered how you can admin. your server without going in-game
You can,change each and every setting,kick/ban any player
chat to any player personally,disable some/all AMX plugins and much more
Sounds good ? Read it on

Download HLSW ( Half-Life Server Watch )
Here you Go

What is HLSW?
HLSW is a powerful gaming and administration (rcon), remote control tool, useful for ambitious gamers and also for professional server administrators. From easy connecting to game servers to live reporting of a match into an Internet Relay Chat, everything is possible with HLSW. Because HLSW was made by gamers for gamers, the main focus was to develop an ergonomic design.
With its modular structure and the design of sections it gives you all the necessary information on every part of your game server with a single click. Just toggle the rcon section and you are able to administrate your server in a comfortable way within seconds.
But HLSW supports even more: Let your friends know where are you playing and show server data in messenger applications like ICQ and IRC, so they know where you are playing.
HLSW supports about 40 games overall with all their mods, and every update covers the newest games and changes. 

Install it. When it says to login click Offline.
It will launch, click on administrate tab 

It will look like the image below



Now your hlsw is ready to use, feel free to modify settings,take look at tabs at bottom.
It has too many options which cannot be explained in any guide.
Try yourself you will find it pretty easy rather than going in-game & typing commands
You can also view chats of players, open 'Chat' Tab at bottom and Click "Get Log (Internet)


Friday, April 10, 2009

How to Install Counter Strike Server on Linux ! (Non Steam)

By:Vimalesh Narayan

This guide will explain you how to run Counter strike server on linux

Linux can reduce lag,handle high rates & pingboost the server.
I assume you have some knowledge of linux & have uncompress installed
Open console
Type following

mkdir HLDS



chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin


After we launch hldsupdatetool.bin ,it will ask to agree with terms & conditions,just type YES & press ENTER

then type this

chmod +x steam

./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir .

Counter strike server is being installed

It will take sometime depending on your connection as it has to download ~300mb

When is server should launch it with these parameters

Starts server in console mode

Automatically update the server when Steam updates are released

The HLDS mod you want to run

Amount of players to allow

The map to start the server with

Port on which server will run. Default is 27015

Type this in console to run server in background

./hlds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_aztec > /dev/null 2>&1 &

You can change the appropriate parameter like players & map

"> /dev/null is" at the end will send no output
"&" at the will run server in background

NOTE: To boost server performance,you can pingboost server. Add -pingboost 1 or 2 or 3 in command line.

3 will consume more CPU


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How to Make/Record Counter Strike Movie. ...2009

By:Vimalesh Narayan

How to Make/Record Counter Strike Video/Movie. ...2009

This tutorial will tell you how to make a counter strike movie / video

First of all let me tell you that we are not going to use fraps.
All videos made by fraps are encoded with fraps codec which is not open source.
hence you cannot put them on web

So here we goRequirements:
A PC that can give 100fps constant at a resolution on which u want to make ur cs movie

Download These softwares:
1)KL Mega Codec pack  

Install them ( Virtual dub doesnt need to be installed ,just extract & keep in some folder).


1) You must know how to record demo's of counter strike.If you dont know goto End of this post & see Demo Recording section.
2) Play the demo by typing "viewdemo demoname" in console
3) Watch demo, from where you want to record your movie.
4) Type this in console "startmovie demo 90"
5) Game will go really slow as it is capturing all bmp ( dont minimize game)
6) when you want to stop recording type endmovie in console
7) Now you need to start Virtualdubmod.
8) Click on File>Open Video File
9) Browse to cstrike folder of your cs installation
10) you will see many .bmp's in that folder, that are the pictures of what we recorded
11) we will join those bmp's to make a video
12) select the first .bmp & click Open
13) Open Video menu & click Fast Recompress
14) Again Video menu & select compression
15) Select Uncompressed RGB on left side & click OK
16) Open video menu & select Frame rate.
17) Under Source Rate adjustment, select 'Change to' and type 90 there.
18) Then File>Save As , then save it with any name
19) The size of this avi file will be extremely large as it is uncompressed.
20) Now you have 1 clip of your movie, record as much as u want, but delete all bmp's from cstrike folder
  Before you make another clip
21) After you have several clips, Edit them in Sony Vegas or Adobe After Effects or any other video editing software u want.
22) Then Select File>Render As.
23) Under Save as type, select "Video for Windows (*.avi) , then click custom on right side
24) A new window will open,select Default Template ( UNCOMPRESSED) on top menu & Select Best in "Video Rendering Quality"
25) Click ok,and then click Save
26) Now our movie is ready but it still has huge size,isnt it ?
27) Now we will compress it with Xvid Codec.
28) Run VirualDubmod,File>Open video File. Open the file we just saved from sony vegas
29) Repeat steps 13 to 17 but this time,on compression window, select "Xvid MPEG-4 Codec"
30) Click Configure on right side, a new window will open, Click on Load Defaults.
31) Now click on 'Target Quantizer' so it will change to 'Target Bitrate'.
32) There is box in front of it, Type 4000 in it .... Click OK...Click ok Again & do step 18

OUR MOVIE IS READY NOW .........Watch the CS 1.6 Movie / Video...!

Dont Forget to Comment... Team


Static IP for your Counter Strike 2009 Server

By:Vimalesh Narayan

Static IP (Hostname) for your Counter Strike 2009 Server

Tired of giving IP to your friends all the time.If yes there is a thing that can be done

If u ask static IP from your ISP,it will costyou

but the trick explained here gives you free hostname (subdoamin name) is free

and it is easy to remember it than static IP.

What are we trying to do .. ?

We are trying you to make your server's ip into domain name.


  • can be any ip (taken here as an example)
  • is hostname (this is sub domain name....What is Domain name?)

you must have seen server's to which you can connect throught a hostname like

We can use any free sub domain ip service like


1) Go to

2) Make an account there & login using that.

3) After you have logged in go to this link

4) Type the hostname you want & then select domain from drop-down menu
5) Tick on "Create Wildcard alias.."
6) Select Service type as "Host with IP address"
7) In IP Address dont type thing but click on "Use auto detected...."
8) Your current IP will be filled automatically.
9) Then click Create Host
10) It will show you bill but dont worry :P , that is $0 so its free & safe, CLICK NEXT
11) Then Click Activate Services and your hostname is ready to use
12) Now you have to download a software which will update that hostname to your IP each time your IP changes
13) If you use windows go here
14) Download it and install, Just keep on clicking next, when it ask whether to install it 
  as Service, tick mark "Install the Dyndns...."
15) After installing it will launch and ask your username/password
16) Type the username\password & click OK
17) You will see your hostname in that list, tick mark it and click Apply & OK


NOTE : It should keep running in background else u server hostname will not work.

make it as system service (should start on each PC boot)


ever tried

I've found it better than Dynhost..!

Any problems ??? post it here ...........  Your Comments are Most valuable ...!

Improvized by Brain


Jumps Counter Strike 2009 Bunnyhop,de_cbble,de_nuke,awp guide,long jump,bug

By:Vimalesh Narayan


Here are the Best of All Jumps that you can learn ..

Read on...


Strafing in a series is called bunnyhop.
It is good to escape from some situations.
Here you go, It is all about good timing and practise


This jump is done on de_cbble and will have good advantage.


with this thing you can jump from any height without loosing any health ;)


With this you can jump much far than normal jump


This jump has a good advantage if you are on T side


This jump is very usefull, a single player can clear all outer of de_nuke


This is the best guide for AWP by SK | Vilden

He is best AWPer in world

And for your HP's sake...if u respect the weapons say it AWP not mag

Thanks .... Now you see..... u've lot to learn ...!


Counter Strike 2009 Lag,LOSS,Choke Problems Solved

By:Vimalesh Narayan
Counter Strike 2009 Lag,LOSS,Choke Problems Solved !

What is Tickrate?
Valve explains Tickrate as: "During each tick, the server processes incoming user commands, runs a physical simulation step, checks the game rules, and updates all object states. After simulating a tick, the server decides if any client needs a world update and takes a snapshot of the current world state if necessary. A higher tickrate increases the simulation precision, but also requires more CPU power and available bandwidth on both server and client." DONT CONFUSE IT WITH sys_ticrate 

What is use of good tickrate ?
Sometimes you may have heard players saying that their bullets dont register or they are framing.Sometimes you may shoot some players behind a player & still able to hit him a headshot.This all happens if u have low ticrate server.

What is tickrate of my server ?
When your server is running, type "sv_maxupdaterate" in console, it will tell you the tickrate of your server.
Commonly used tickrates are 30 or 60 or 101 but it can lie anywhere between 20-100

You must be thinking that if 101 ticrate server gives better performance why doont everyone run 101 tickrate server
Answer is running server on high tickrate costs more resources & bandwidth on both server & client sides

When play on a 30 tickrate server, type 'net_graph 3' in console.
Click Here 
As you can see that 6.50 k/s is the bandwidth being used
on a 101 tickrate server bandwidth usage will be much more
Dont waste your time running a server if you dont have adequate bandwidth
To run a good server with 101 tickrate you need 1Mbits/s upload and download bandwidth

How to set tickrate of your server ?
Open you server's cstrike\server.cfg

For 101 Tickrate---
Change these values
sv_minupdaterate 10
sv_minupdaterate 101
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 25000
fps_max 101
sys_ticrate 250

For 60 Tickrate---
Change these values
sv_minupdaterate 10
sv_minupdaterate 60
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 12000
fps_max 101
sys_ticrate 250

For 30 Tickrate---
Change these values
sv_minupdaterate 10
sv_minupdaterate 30
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 7000
fps_max 101
sys_ticrate 250

A simple advice is that you must not install HL Booster.It just screws up server.

We did some research on it and found that it only controls sys_ticrate value in realtime
so if u put sys_ticrate 250 your server will run very fine
If you increase this value above 250 you wont see any effect on Internet but on LAN it will.

NOTE:Achieving 101 tickrate on a server is not possible without Pingboosting. Ping boosting is done on server side
But it can be done only on Linux not on windows.

Where can i change tickrate of server?
Server's Tickrate cant be changed via RCON or any other tool
You need to have access to server console

That was a explanation for Host or Server

Now comes Client or Player

If u play on a 101 tickrate server with settings those of 30 tickrate you wont see any difference
You should always play on these settings...these should be put in config.cfg of your game
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 101
rate 25000
cl_interp 0.1
fps_max 101

If u get choke even if you are using these settings, then it is possible that server is running on low tickrate
Try lowering your cl_updaterate to 60 & see if choke is decreased
Do same untill you have 0 choke
That was how to solve choke problem

If u have loss problem,that means there is some packet loss between you and server
This indicate some network connection problem either with your connection or server's

If you are only one who gets loss, it is problem with your connection

I Hope it solves your lag problem to certain extent.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Counter Strike Commands ... ALL of Them

By:Vimalesh Narayan
Here are the Most Comprehensive List of Commands for your CounterStrike Clients/Server

  • Info: You can either bind these Counter  Strike 1.6 commands to your keyboard keys for fast execution.
  • You need to press ~ key for console and then enter the command to execute or change its value. Use your common sense to execute these counter strike 1.6 commands.
  • Note: Player is a called Client  and Server Admin is the Host

_snd_mixahead 0.100clientaudiosets sound mixahead value - similar to s_mixahead in Quake2  - can fix stuttering issues with some sound cards
_vid_default_mode 0clientvideosets default video mode (screen resolution)
_vid_default_mode_win 3clientvideosets default windowed video mode (screen resolutoin)
_vid_wait_override 0clientvideosets video wait override
_windowed_mouse 0 clientplayerenables mouse in windowed mode
+attack2clientplayersecondary fire - *see special
+backclientplayermove backwards
+camdistanceclientchase cammoves chase cam perspective away from player - *works only 
        if thirdperson is activated
+caminclientchase cammoves chase cam forward - *works only if thirdperson is 
+cammousemoveclientchase cammoves chase with mouse - *works only if thirdperson is activated
+camoutclientchase cammoves chase cam backward - *works only if thirdperson is 
+campitchdownclientchase camdecreases chase cam pitch to look down - *works only if 
        thirdperson is activated
+campitchupclientchase camincreases chase cam pitch to look up - *works only if thirdperson 
        is activated
+camyawleft clientchase camtilts chase cam left - *works only if thirdperson is activated
+camyawrightclientchase camtilts chase cam right - *works only if thirdperson is activated
+det20clientplayersets detpack with 20 second timer - *demo class only
+det5clientplayersets detpack with 5 second timer - *demo class only
+det50clientplayersets detpack with 50 second timer - *demo class only
+duck clientplayercrouches
+forwardclientplayermoves forward
+gren1 clientplayerlaunches grenade type 1 - *see primegrenX, throwgren
+ip sets ip address
+gren2clientplayerlaunches grenade type 2 - *see primegrenX, throwgren
+jlook clientjoystickenables joystick to look around
+klook clientplayerenables the keyboard to look around
+left clientplayerstrafes left
+lookdown clientplayerlooks down
+lookup clientplayerlooks up
+mlook clientmouseenables mouse to look around
+movedownclientplayermoves player down - *climbing down a ladder, swimming down
+moveleft clientplayerstrafes left
+moverightclientplayerstrafes right
+moveup clientplayermoves player up - *climbing up a ladder, swimming up
+reload client playerreloads current weapon
+right clientplayerstrafes right
+showscores clientplayershows player scores and pings
+speed clientplayerforces player to walk if 'always run' is enabled, and forces player to run if 'always run' is disabled
+strafe clientplayerstrafe modifier - while this is held down, use direction keys to strafe in different directions
+use clientplayeruses an item- such as a button, machine gun, etc.
adm_ban clienttfc admin
bans the current player in the player's list from the server - must have admin status of server by using the "admin <password>" 
adm_ceasefire clienttfc admin pauses or unpauses the game - must have admin status of 
        server by using the "admin <password>" command
adm_countplayers clienttfc admin shows the number of players on a server and their teams 
        - must have admin status of server by using the "admin <password>" 
adm_deal clienttfc admin begins a cycle in the player's list that asks to kick, ban, 
        or next for each player - must have admin status of server by using the 
        "admin <password>" command
adm_kick clienttfc admin kicks the current player in the player's list from the server 
        - must have admin status of server by using the "admin <password>" 
adm_listplayers clienttfc adminlists all players and their ip addresses - must have admin 
        status of server by using the "admin <password>" command
adm_next clienttfc admin advances to the next player in the player's list - must 
        have admin status of server by using the "admin <password>" 
admin <password> clienttfc admin after server has set "tfc_adminpwd", use this 
        in the in-game console to gain admin status of the server and can use 
        any of the "adm_*" commands
alias <name> "cmd1; cmd2"clientplayerbinds commands together in an alias to perform mutiple tasks 
        at the hit of one button
allowuploadclientuploading/ downloadingtoggles the uploading of local decals and models to the 
        server on/off
ambient_fade 100clientaudiosets the distance at which ambient sounds fade away
ambient_level 0.300clientaudiosets the sound level for ambient sounds
appenddemo <demoname>clientdemorecords a demo and appends it to the demo file in existence 
        at Half-Life/Valve/demo.dem
autosaveclientplayerenables autosave feature
bgetmodclientplayerrequests batch mod status
bgetsvclientplayerrequests batch server list
bgmbuffer 4096clientaudiosets the CD audio buffer size
bgmvolume 0clientaudiotoggles CD audio on/off- * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
bind <key> <command>clientplayercombines a <key> with a command or alias
bottomcolor 6clientplayersets the bottom color of the player model
brightness 1clientvideoenables glare reduction - *the higher the value, the brighter 
        it gets
buildclientplayerdisplays the build menu to choose from sentry or dispenser 
        - *engineer class only
c_maxdistance 200clientchase camsets the maximum distance of the chase cam
c_maxpitch 90clientchase camsets the maximum pitch of the chase cam
c_maxyaw 135clientchase camsets the maximum yaw of the chase cam
c_minidistance 30clientchase camsets the minimum distance of the chase cam
c_minpitch 0clientchase camsets the minimum pitch of the chase cam
c_minyaw -135clientchase camsets the minimum yaw of the chase cam
cam_command 0clientchase camtoggles chase cam commands on/off - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cam_contain 0clientchase camtoggles chase cam auto-contain in current room on/off - 
        * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cam_idealdist 64clientchase camsets the preferred distance from the player model to the 
        chase cam - *works only if thirdperson is activated
cam_idealpitch 0clientchase camsets the preferred pitch for the chase cam - *works only 
        if thirdperson is activated
cam_idealyaw 90clientchase camsets the preferred yaw for the chase cam - *works only if 
        thirdperson is activated
cam_snapto 0clientchase camsets the preferred snap interval for the chase cam - *works 
        only if thirdperson is activated
cancelselectclientplayercancels selection
cdclientaudiocontrols CD audio - * i.e., 'cd stop' stops the cd play, 
        'cd loop X' plays track X using tracks 1-16
centerviewclientplayercenters the players view
changeclassclientplayerdisplays the change class menu
changeteamclientplayerdisplays the team change menu
chase_back 100clientchase camsets the preferred chase cam distance from the player when 
        backing up
chase_right 0clientchase camsets the preferred offset to the side for the chase cam
chase_up 16clientchase camsets the preferred offset up for the chase cam
cl_adaptiveclientplayerdisplays time, dropped packet %, average latency, up/down 
        rates, and frames per second (FPS)
cl_allow_download 0clientuploading/ downloadingtoggles download of maps, models and decals when joining 
        a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_allow_upload 0clientuploading/ downloadingtoggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a 
        server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_allowdownload 0clientuploading/ downloadingtoggles download of maps, models and decals when joining 
        a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_allowupload 0clientuploading/ downloadingtoggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a 
        server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_anglespeedkey 0.670clientplayersets the speed that the direction keys change the view angle
cl_appendmixed 0clientaudiotoggles the forcing the playing of mixed sounds as sequential 
        sounds instead - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_backspeed 400clientplayersets the backup speed of a player - number can only go as 
        fast as a particular server allows
cl_bitcountsclientplayershows list of bits received for each player, with delta 
cl_bob 0.010clientplayersets the amount that the view bobs while the player is running
cl_bobcycle 0.800clientplayersets how frequently the view of a player bobs while running
cl_bobup 0.500clientplayersets the amount that the view of a player bobs while running
cl_download_ingame 0clientuploading/ downloadingtoggles downloads of models and decals during a game - * 
        1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_download_max 0clientuploading/ downloadingsets the maximum number of files downloaded from a server
cl_downloadinterval 1clientuploading/ downloadingsets the minimum time in between downloads from a server
cl_forwardspeed 400clientplayersets the forward speed of a player - *can only go as fast 
        as the server allows
cl_gaitestimation 1clientplayerenables estimated player stepping motion
cl_gg 0clientplayertoggles game gauge mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_himodelsclientplayertoggles higer quality player models - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
cl_messagesclientplayershows server messages
cl_movespeedkey 0.300clientplayersets movement speed for keyboard use
cl_nodeltaclientplayertoggles delta compression - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_nopred 0clientplayertoggles client-side prediction - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_pitchdown <angle>clientplayersets the maximum angle to look down - *default is 89
cl_pitchspeed 225clientplayersets the speed at which the pitch changes
cl_pitchup <angle>clientplayersets the maximum angle to look up - *default is 89
cl_pred_fraction 0.5clientplayersets the client-side prediction faction - *closer to 1.0 
        is more prediction
cl_pred_link 1clientplayersets the client-side prediction link value
cl_pred_maxtime 255clientplayersets the maximum client-side prediction time
cl_predict_players 1clientplayertoggles prediction of other players - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
cl_print_customclientplayerdisplays loaded custom .wad files or decals
cl_resend 3clientplayersets the resend count
cl_rollangle 2clientvideosets the view tilt angle for roll motion
cl_rollspeed 200clientvideosets the view tilt speed
cl_shownet 0clientplayertoggles the display of network packet numbers - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
cl_showsizes 0clientplayertoggles the display of network packet size graph - * 1 is 
        'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_sidespeed 400clientplayersets the strafing speed of a player
cl_skycolor_b 0clientvideosets the blue component of the sky color
cl_skycolor_g 0clientvideosets the green component of the sky color
cl_skycolor_r 0clientvideosets the red component of the sky color
cl_skyname <name>clientvideosets the sky pattern - * such as 'cl_skyname desert'
cl_skyvec_x 0clientvideosets the sky pattern position x-coordinate
cl_skyvec_y 0clientvideosets the sky pattern position y-coordinate
cl_skyvec_z 0clientvideosets the sky pattern position z-coordinate
cl_slist 10clientplayersets the number of servers in the serverlist
cl_solid_players 1clientplayertoggles solid player models - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_timeout 305 sets the inactivity time brfore a client times out
cl_upload_max 0 sets the maximum number of files a client can upload to 
        a server
cl_upspeed 320clientplayersets the speed of a player when he climbs up
cl_usrclientplayerdisplays user HUD information
cl_viewclientplayerdisplays list of current on-screen entities
cl_waterdist 4clientplayersets the underwater distance
cl_yawspeed 210clientplayersets the turning speed - * only will go as fast as a server 
clearclientplayerclears the console screen
clearlistclientplayerclears the server list
clientport 27005clientplayersets the port that the client will use to connect to a server
cmdclientplayercan use this in conjunction with a command
con_notifytime 4 sets client notification time
connect <ip address>clientplayerconnects to a server with the used ip address
contimes <n> shows n overlay lines - * n = 4 to 64
coop 0 toggles cooperatice play mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
crc <mapname> displays the crc value for the map at maps\<mapname>.bsp
crosshair 0clientplayertoggles the crosshair on/off - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
customrsrclist <arg> issues a resource request
dc 0clientplayertoggles the display of the class briefings - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
deathmatch 0 toggles deathmatch mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
default_fov 90clientplayersets the default field of view in degrees - * smaller number 
        is a smaller angle of view, while a larger number is a larger field of 
demosclientdemoruns a loop of demos set with startdemos
detdispenserclientplayerremotely detonates ammo dispenser - * engineer class only
discardclientplayerdrops unusable ammo
disconnectclientplayerdisconnects a player from a server
displaysoundlist 0clientaudiotoggles on/off a list of all loaded sounds - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
downloadclientuploading/ downloadingbegins downloading files from a server - * only if 'cl_download_ingame' 
        is set to 1
echo "message"clientplayerechos text to the console - * useful for letting a player 
        know that a script or .cfg file was loaded successfully
edgefriction 2 sets the amount of friction between players and objects
enableconsoleclientplayerenables the console screen
endmovieclientplayerends a currently ongoing movie
envmap creates the 6 .bmp images for sky boxes from the player's 
        current position
escapeclientplayeracts as <ESCAPE> key by hiding the console and cancelling 
fakelag 0clientplayersimulates lag - * the higher the number, the more simulated 
fakeloss 0clientplayersimulates packet loss - * the higher the value, the more 
        simulated packet loss
feignclientplayerfake death - * spy class only
firstpersonclientplayerenables first person viewing of the game
flaginfoclientplayerdisplays flag status
flush flushes the memory and reloads the map
force_centerviewclientplayerforces the player's view to look straight ahead
fps_lan 31clientplayersets the maximum framerate on a LAN game
fps_modem 31clientplayersets the maximum framerate in an internet game
fps_single 80clientplayersets the maximum framerate in a single playergame
fullinfo <complete info string> displays user information
fullserverinfo displays server information
gamma 3clientvideosets the gamma level
getcertificateclientplayergets certificate from WON
getsvclientplayerlists each server's ip address and the total number of servers
gg <demoname>clientdemoruns the game gauge benchmark using <demoname> - * 
        'cl_gg' must be set to 1
gl_affinemodels 0clientvideo
gl_alphamin 0.250clientvideosets the minimum alpha blending level
gl_clear 0clientvideotoggles visual quality - * cracks between textures show 
        when set to 1
gl_cull 1clientvideotoggles rendering of visible objects only - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off', and 0 will lower fps
gl_d3dflip 0clientvideotoggles reversed rendering order for D3D
gl_dither 1clientvideotoggles dithering - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_dumpclientvideolists the data for the video card: vendor, renderer, version, 
        and extensions used
gl_flipmatrix 0clientvideotoggles special crosshair fix when using the 3DNow! 3Dfx 
        MiniGL - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_keeptjunctions 0clientvideotoggles showing of cracks between textures - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off', with 1 being the better quality and slower fps
gl_lightholes 0clientvideotoggles light holes - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_log <logfilename>clientvideowrites graphic debug messages to <logfilename>
gl_max_size 256clientvideosets the maximum texture size
gl_monolights 0clientvideotoggles a uniform light source with no shadows - * 1 is 
        'on', 0 is 'off', and works in OpenGL only
gl_nobind 0clientvideotoggles the replacement of textures with alphanumeric characters 
        - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_overbright 0clientvideotoggles maximum brightness mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_palette_tex 0clientvideotoggles paletted textures - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_picmip 0clientvideosets the rendering quality - * higher the number is faster 
        but lower quality
gl_playermip 0clientvideosets the player rendering quality - * higher the number 
        is faster but lower quality
gl_polyoffset 4clientvideosets the polygon offset - try out different values for texture 
        flickering problems
gl_reporttjunctions 0clientvideotoggles writing T-junction reporting to the console
gl_round_down 3clientvideosets the texture rounding down value - * higher the number 
        faster but lower quality
gl_smoothmodels 0clientvideotoggles model smoothing - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_spriteblend 0clientvideotoggles blending sprite graphics - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_texelsclientvideoreports the number of texels uploaded to the video card
gl_texsort 0clientvideotoggles a texel sort - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_texturemode [type]clientvideosets the rendering mode in order from the lowest quality 
        but fastest to highest quality which is slower - * [type] options are: 
        gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest, gl_linear_mipmap_nearest (these two deal with 
        bilinear filtering) and gl_nearest_mipmap_linear, gl_linear_mipmap_linear 
        (which deals with trilinear filtering)
gl_wateramp 0.300clientvideo
gl_zmax 4096clientvideosets the maximum size for the Z-Buffer
gl_ztrick 1clientvideotoggles the speeding up of 3Dfx rendering - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
godclientplayergod mode makes player invincible - * 'sv_cheats' must be 
        set to 1
graphheight 64clientplayersets the height of the r_netgraph display
graphhigh 512clientplayersets the maximum value of the r_netgraph display
graphmean 1clientplayersets the mean value of the r_netgraph display
graphmedian 128clientplayersets the median value of the r_netgraph display
hideconsoleclientplayerhides the console
hisound 1clientaudiotoggles high-quality sound - * 1=22kHz, 0=11kHz
hud_centerid 0clientplayertoggles player ID display - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
hud_deathnotice_time 6clientplayersets how long death messages remain onscreen
hud_drawhistory_time 5clientplayersets how long HUD item icons remain onscreen
hud_fastswitch 0clientplayertoggles fast weapon switching - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
hud_saytext_time 5clientplayersets how long chat messages remain onscreen
impulse 100clientplayerenables flashlight
impulse 101 gives all weapons and ammo - * 'sv_cheats' must be set to 
impulse 201clientplayersprays logo decal
interpclientplayerenables frame interpolation
invlastclientplayerselects previous item in inventory
invnextclientplayerselects next item in inventory
invprevclientplayerselects previous item in inventory
ip sets ip address
ip_clientport 0clientplayersets the client port for a TCP/IP game
ipx_clientport 0clientplayersets the client port for an IPX game
joyadvanced 0clientjoystickThese do joystick things - who the hell uses 
        joysticks for FPSes anyway?!? :)
joyadvaxisr 0clientjoystick
joyadvaxisv 0clientjoystick
joyadvaxisx 0clientjoystick
joyadvaxisy 0clientjoystick
joyadvaxisz 0clientjoystick
joyforwardsensitivity -1clientjoystick
joyforwardthreshold 0.150clientjoystick
joyname 0clientjoystick
joypitchsensitivity 1clientjoystick
joypitchthreshold 0.150clientjoystick
joysidesensitivity -1clientjoystick
joysidethreshold 0.150clientjoystick
joystick 0clientjoystick
joywwhack1 0clientjoystick
joywwhack2 0clientjoystick
joyyawsensitivity -1clientjoystick
joyyawthreshold 0.150clientjoystick
killclientplayerplayer suicides to respawn again
lambert 1.500
lcd_x 0 may have something to do with lcd display monitors
lcd_yaw 0 may have something to do with lcd display monitors
lightgamma 2.500clientvideosets the lighting gamma value
listclientplayerlists local servers found after using the 'slist' commands
listdemo <demoname>clientdemolists information about <demoname>
load <name>clientplayerloads a saved game
loadas8bit 0clientaudiotoggles the forcing of 8-bit (lower quality) sounds - * 
        1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
localinfoclientplayershows local settings
logos lists decals
lookspring 0clientmousetoggles automatic view centering when 'mlook' is deactivated 
        - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
lookstrafe 0clientmousetoggles mouse strafing when 'mlook' is active - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
m_filter 0clientmousetoggles mouse filtering (smoothing) - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
m_forwardclientmousesets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier
m_pitch 0.022clientmousesets the mouse pitch (up and down motion) speed sensitivity 
        multiplier - * negative numbers result in an inverted mouselook
m_side 0.800clientmousesets the mouse strafing speed sensitivity multiplier
m_yaw 0.022clientmousesets the yaw speed sensitivity multiplier
mcache lists modem cache contents
menuselect <x>clientplayerselects item <x> from a menu
messagemode <text>clientplayerdisplays <text> to all other players on a server
messagemode2 <text>clientplayerdisplays <text> to only other players on same team
model <modelname>clientplayerchanges current player model to <modelname>
motdclientplayerdisplays the Message Of The Day from the server's motd.txt 
        file [more]
name <playername>clientplayerused to change a player's name
netbad simulates a bad network connection
netchokeloop 0
netmax displays maximum packets and game packets
netusage 0clientplayertoggles a network usage graph - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
newclientplayerbegins a new singleplayer game
nextdlclientplayerdownloads next file
noclip 0clientplayerif turned on, players can walk through walls - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off', and 'sv_cheats' must be set to 1
nosound 0clientaudiotoggles sound - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
notarget 0 clientplayermakes players ignore you - * 'sv_cheats' must be set to 
pauseclientplayerpauses a game
pingserversclientplayerdisplays pings of servers in the serverlist
pingsv <ip:port>clientplayerpings a server at <ip:port>
play <filename>clientaudioplays a .wav designated by <filename>
playdemo <filename>clientdemoplays <filename>.dem at normal speed
playvol 9clientdemosets demo playback volume
pm_nostucktouch 0
pm_nostudio 0
pm_pushfix 0
pm_worldonly 0
pointfile <filename> loads maps\<filename>.pts
precache 0clientplayertoggles preloading of all needed files at map start - * 
        1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
primegren1clientplayerprimes grenade type 1
primegren2clientplayerprimes grenade type 2
pushlatency -100clientplayerset this number to the inverse of your ping to help latency
quitclientallexits to windows without confirmation
r_decals 250clientplayersets the maximum number of decals
r_drawadaptive 0
r_drawentities 0clientplayertoggles drawing player models and sprites - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
r_drawviewmodel 0clientplayertoggles drawing player weapon model - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
r_dynamic 0clientvideotoggles dynamic lighting - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
r_fullbrightclientplayertoggles maximum brightness in local games only - * 1 is 
        'on', 0 is 'off'
r_glowshellfreq 2.2
r_lightmap <map#>clientdeveloperssoftware rendering mode only - * displays one of four (0,1,2,3) 
        possible lightmaps to view range of switched lights
r_lightstyle <style#>clientdeveloperssoftware rendering mode only - * displays only specified 
        lighting style for viewing full range of pulsing, blinking, etc. lighting 
r_mirroralpha 0 clientplayertoggles reflective textures - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
r_mmx 0clientplayertoggles MMX xalculations for MMX cpu's - * 1 is 'on', 0 
        is 'off'
r_netgraph 0clientplayertoggles graph of network conditions - *0 is 'off', 1 shows 
        green = good, yellow = bad, red = horrible, 2 shows packetsize
r_norefresh 0 toggles clearing HUD and console before redrawing - * 1 
        is 'on', 0 is 'off'
r_novis 0 toggles drawing underwater polygons - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
        'off', 'r_wateralpha' must be set to 1
r_shadows 0clientplayertoggles players' shadows - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
r_speeds 0clientdeveloperstoggles average fps, draw speed and polygon info - * 1 is 
        'on', 0 is 'off', very useful when making maps
r_traceglow 0 toggles inclusion of monsters in glow sprite occlusion checking 
        - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
r_wadtextures 0
r_wateralpha 0clientplayertoggles alpha blending underwater - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', 
        'r_novis' must be set to 1
rate 5000clientplayersets client data rate - * 1000 - 5000 for modems, and 10000+ 
        for LAN
reconnectclientplayerreconnects to the current server
record <filename>clientdemobegins to record a demo and saves it to Half-Life\Valve\<filename>.dem
removedemo <demo> <sgmt> demoremoves a segment <sgmt> from <demo>
resourcelistclientplayerlists all loaded resources
resourcesclientplayerlists loaded decals
retryclientplayertries four more times to connect to a server that has already 
        failed four connect attempts
room_delay 0.3clientaudio3D sound setting
room_dlylp 2clientaudio3D sound setting
room_feedback 0.42clientaudio3D sound setting
room_left 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_lp 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_mod 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_off 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_refl 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_refl 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_rvblp 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_size 0clientaudio3D sound setting
room_type 20clientaudio3D sound setting
s_2dvolume 1clientaudiomaximum volume at which 2D sounds are played - * range from 
        0 to 1.0
s_a3d 0.000000clientaudiotoggles A3D support - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_automax_distance 30clientaudiosets the distance for maximum sound volume
s_automin_distance 2clientaudiosets the distance for minimum sound volume
s_blipdir 0
s_bloat 2.0clientaudiobloat factor for polygons in A3D 2.0 only
s_buffersize 65536clientaudiosets the buffer size
s_disable_a3d 0clientaudiotoggles disabling a3D - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_distance 60clientaudioadjust the ratio of game units to meters, affecting velocity, 
        positioning and distance - * higher the number, the closer everything 
        gets in audio terms - range from 0 to infinity
s_doppler 0.0clientaudioadjusts the doppler - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', range from 
        0 to 10, and is very sensitive
s_eax 0clientaudiotoggles EAX support - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_enable_a3dclientaudioenables A3D support
s_geometry 0clientaudiotoggles geometry rendering in A3D 2.0 only - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
s_leafnum 0
s_materials 0
s_max_distance 1000clientaudiomaximum distance from the listener before rolloff is no 
        longer applied - * valid range from 's_min_distance' to infinity
s_min_distance 5clientaudiominimum distance a source will be from the listener before 
        rolloff is applied - * range from 0 to 's_max_distance'
s_numpolys 200clientaudiomaximum polygons to be rendered in A3D 2.0 only - setting 
        this to 0 is the same as turning off 's_geometry' - * range from 0 to 
s_occfactor 0.250clientaudiotransmission value of material - the smaller the number, 
        the less sound passes through material - * range from 0 to 1.0
s_occlude 0clientaudiotoggles sound passing throug material (occlusions) in A3D 
        2.0 only - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_polykeep 1000000000clientaudio
s_polysize 10000000clientaudio
s_refdelay 4clientaudiodelays between a source and its closest reflection in A3D 
        2.0 only - higher the delay, the more time it takes between when the source 
        and its first reflection is played - * range from 0 to 100
s_refgain 0.4clientaudioadjusts the gain on each reflection in A3D 2.0 only, where 
        the effects of distance are increased: high frequencies are filtered and 
        volume lowered - * range from 0 to 10
s_rolloff 1.0clientaudio
s_showtossed 0clientaudio
s_usepvs 0clientaudio
s_verbwet 0.25clientaudiocontrols the wet/dry mix of reverb for A3D only - higher 
        the number, the more wet the sounds - * range from 0 to 1.0
saveclientplayersave current game in single player only
savemeclientplayercalls for a medic
say "message"clientplayerchat with all other players on a server
say_team "message"clientplayersrelay a message to only your teammates
scr_centertime 2 sets how long server messages remain on the screen
scr_connectmsg "msg" displays "msg" in screen's lower left
scr_connectmsg1 "msg" displays "msg" 1 in screen's lower left
scr_connectmsg2 "msg" displays "msg" 2 in screen's lower left
scr_conspeed 600clientplayersets the console scroll speed
scr_ofsx 0clientplayersets the screen message offset
scr_ofsy 0clientplayersets the screen message offset
scr_ofsz 0clientplayersets the screen message offset
scr_printspeed 7clientplayersets the screen message print speed
scr_transparentui 1
screenshotclientplayercaptures the screen and saves it in the Half-Life/Valve 
sensitivity 9clientmousesets the sensitivity of the mouse
servercfgfileserverserver adminsets the sercer config file - * default is server.cfg
serverinfoclientplayerdisplays the server infromation
serverprofile <profile string>serverserver adminsets the server profile
setdemoinfo <demo> <sgmt> infoclientdemoadds information to a demo, such as a text title, play 'tracknum', 
        fade <in/out> or <fast/slow>
setinfoclientplayer- * i.e., 'setinfo "ts" "0"' or 'setinfo 
        "dc" "0"'
setinfo tf_id <Battle ID>clientplayersets the tfc clan battle id [more]
sfeignclientplayerfakes death - * spy class only
shortnameclientplayerdisplays client's name
showdrop 0clientplayertoggles the display of dropped packets - * 1 is 'on', 0 
        is 'off'
showinfo 0clientplayertoggles display of all packets - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
showpackets 0clientplayertoggles network packet info display - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
showpause 0clientplayertoggles pause of graphic display - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
showram 0clientplayertoggles display of available ram - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
showtriggers 0clientdeveloperstoggles display of map trigger entities - * 1 is 'on', 0 
        is 'off'
sizedownclientplayerdecreases screen size and increases fps
sizeupclientplayerincreases screen size and decreases fps
skill 1clientplayersets the skill level in singleplayer and coop mode
skin 0clientplayersets the model skin
skipdlclientplayerskips the current download and moves on to the next, if 
        any exist
skipulclientplayerskips the current upload and moves to the next, if any exist
slistclientplayersearches for local servers - * use 'list' to display this 
slot1clientplayerselect weapon group 1 (or menu item 1) see 'use'
slot2clientplayerselect weapon group 2 (or menu item 2) see 'use'
slot3clientplayerselect weapon group 3 (or menu item 3) see 'use'
slot4clientplayerselect weapon group 4 (or menu item 4) see 'use'
slot5clientplayerselect weapon group 5 (or menu item 5) see 'use'
slot6clientplayerselect weapon group 6 (or menu item 6) see 'use'
slot7clientplayerselect weapon group 7 (or menu item 7) see 'use'
slot8clientplayerselect weapon group 8 (or menu item 8) see 'use'
slot9clientplayerselect weapon group 9 (or menu item 9) see 'use'
slot10clientplayerselect weapon group 10 (or menu item 10) see 'use'
snapshotclientplayertakes a screenshot
snd_noextraupdate 0clientaudiotoggles extra sound system updates - * 1 is 'on' and only 
        use if having problems, 0 is 'off'
snd_show 0clientaudiotoggles the display of which sounds are being played - * 
        1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
soundfade <parameter>clientaudiosets the soundfade parameters - *<param> = <%><hold>[<out><in>]
soundinfoclientaudiodisplays the number of stereo channels, samples, samplebits, 
        speed DMA, and sound channels
soundlistclientaudiodisplays a list of all loaded sounds
spawnclientplayerspawns a player back into the game
speak <message>clientplayerto say something over the intercom - * try: hello, #000000, 
        mesa, you, go alert
specialclientplayerdisplays the special menu for each class
spectator 0clientplayertoggles entering a game as a spectator - * 1 is 'on', 0 
        is 'off' - spectator mode does not currently work
startdemosclientdemobegins playing demos in a loop
startmovie <filename>clientdemoplays a movie
stopclientdemostops the recording of a demo
stopdemoclientdemostop the playing of a demo
stopsoundclientaudiostops playing the current sound
suitvolume 0.220000clientaudiosets the volume of the HEV suit
swapdemo <demo> <seg> <seg>clientdemoswaps two segments' positions inside a demo
tell <message> clientplayerspeks a message
texgamma 2clientplayerpossibly sets the gamma of the text?
tf_weapon_acclientplayerselects assault cannon weapon - * hw class only
tf_weapon_autorifleclientplayerselects autorifle weapon - * sniper class only
tf_weapon_axeclientplayerselects crowbar - *sniper, soldier, demoman, hw, and pyro 
        classes only
tf_weapon_flamethrowerclientplayerselects flamethrower - * pyro class only
tf_weapon_glclientplayerselects grenade launcher - * demo class only
tf_weapon_icclientplayerselects incendiary cannon - * pyro class only
tf_weapon_knifeclientplayerselects knife - * spy class only
tf_weapon_medikitclientplayerselects medkit - * medic class only
tf_weapon_ngclientplayerselects nailgun - * sniper and scout classes only
tf_weapon_plclientplayerselects pipe launcher - * demo class only
tf_weapon_railgunclientplayerselects railgun - * engineer class only
tf_weapon_rpgclientplayerselects rocket launcher - * soldier class only
tf_weapon_shotgunclientplayerselects single-barrel shotgun - * scout, soldier, demoman, 
        medic, hw, and pyro classes only
tf_weapon_sniperrifleclientplayerselects sniper rifle - * sniper class only
tf_weapon_spannerclientplayerselects the spanner/wrench - * engineer class only
tf_weapon_superngclientplayerselects the super nailgun - * medic class only
tf_weapon_supershotgunclientplayerselects double-barrel shotgun - * soldier, medic, hw, spy, 
        and engineer classes only
tf_weapon_tranqclientplayerselects the tranquilizer gun - * spy class only
thirdpersonclientplayerenables third-person view
throwgrenclientplayerthrows the grenade type last primed with 'primegren1' or 
timedemo <demoname>clientdemoplays <demoname>.dem at max fps and reports average 
timerefreshclientplayerplayer spins in plave and reports average fps for the spinning 
toggleconsoleclientplayertoggles the console screen - * usually bound to '~'
topcolor 30clientplayersets the model top color
traceralpha 0.500clientplayersets tracer bullet alpha component
tracerblue 0.400clientplayersets tracer bullet blue component
tracergreen 0.800clientplayersets tracer bullet green component
tracerlength 0.800clientplayersets the tracer bullet length
traceroffset 30clientplayersets the tracer bullet offset
tracerred 0.800clientplayersets the tracer bullet red component
tracerspeed 6000clientplayersets the tracer bullet speed
unbind <key>clientplayerremoves binding to key <key>
unbindallclientplayerremoves all key bindings
uploadclientplayeruploads files to a server
uprateclientplayerdisplays the transmission rate to a server
use <item>clientplayeruses an item or weapon, such as 'use weapon_crowbar'
user <name/id#>clientplayerlists model color, name, rate, and model for specified user 
v_centermove 0.150
c_centerspeed 500
v_dark 0
v_kickpitch 0.600clientplayersets the amount player view pitch changes when player is 
v_kickroll 0.600clientplayersets the amount player view roll changes when player is 
v_kicktime 0.500clientplayersets the duration of player view pitch and roll when player 
        is hit
versionclientplayergives build version and date it was installed
vid_config_x 800clientvideosets horizontal screen resolution
vid_config_y 600clientvideosets vertical screen resolution
vid_d3d 0clientvideotoggles Direct3D support - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
vid_describemodeclientvideodisplays video mode settings
vid_mode 0clientvideosets video mode
vid_nopageflip 0clientvideotoggles disabling video page flipping - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
vid_stretch_by_2clientvideoenables video stretching (for interlaced display)
vid_wait 0clientvideotoggles video sync - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
viewframeclientvideoenables wire-frame display - * OpenGL only
viewmodelclientplayerenables model display
viewnextclientplayerselects next model
viewprevclientplayerselects previous model
viewsize 120clientplayersets view size
violence_ablood 0clientplayertoggles blood - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
violence_agibs 0clientplayertoggles gibs - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
violence_hgibs 0clientplayertoggles gibs - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
volume 1.0clientaudiosets game volume
waitclientplayerpauses for 1 tick during running an alias or script
waterroom_type 14
weapon_357clientplayerweapon name for .357 magnum - * for example, 'use weapon_357'
weapon_9mmARclientplayerweapon name for .9mm assault rifle - * i.e., 'use weapon_9mmAR'
weapon_9mmhandgunclientplayerweapon name for .9mm pistol - * i.e., 'use weapon_9mmhandgun'
weapon_crossbowclientplayerweapon name for crossbow - * i.e., 'use weapon_crossbow'
weapon_crowbarclientplayerweapon name for crowbar - * i.e., 'use weapon_crowbar'
weapon_egonclientplayerweapon name for egon gun - * i.e., 'use weapon_egon'
weapon_gaussclientplayerweapon name for gauss gun - * i.e., 'use weapon_gauss'
weapon_handgrenadeclientplayerweapon name for handgrenade - * i.e., 'use weapon_handgrenade'
weapon_hornetgunclientplayerweapon name for hornet gun - * i.e., 'use weapon_hornetgun'
weapon_rpgclientplayerweapon name for rocket launcher - * i.e., 'use weapon_rpg'
weapon_satchelclientplayerweapon name for satchel charge - * i.e., 'use weapon_satchel'
weapon_shotgunclientplayerweapon name for shotgun - * i.e., 'use weapon_shotgun'
weapon_snarkclientplayerweapon name for snarks - * i.e., 'use weapon_snark'
weapon_tripmineclientplayerweapon name for tripwire mines - * i.e., 'use weapon_tripmine'
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.200clientplayersets mouse sensitivity while using weapon zoom
developer 0mod authorsdeveloperstoggles on/off special developer debug console messages 
        - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
entitiesmod authorsdeveloperslists currently loaded entities
hpkextract <filename> [all|1 idx]mod authorsdevelopersextracts files from hpk file - * opts = <hpkname> 
        [all | single index]
hpklist <hpkfilename>mod authorsdeveloperslists the files in <hpkfilename>
hpkremove <name> <index>mod authorsdevelopersremoves files from <hpkfilename>
hpkval <filename>mod authorsdevelopersdisplays the checksum value for <hpkfilename>
addip <min> <ipaddress>serverserver adminadds an ip address to the filterban list - * use 0 minutes 
        to make the addition permanent [more]
banid <minutes> <uniqueid>serverserver admin bans a player from a server using their uniqueid - get this 
        unique id from the "users" command - 0 minutes is a permanent 
        ban - **Version only [more]
banid <minutes> <uniqueid> kickserverserver admin bans AND kicks a player from a server using their uniqueid 
        - get this unique id from the "users" command - 0 minutes is 
        a permanent ban - **Version only [more]
changelevel <mapname>serverserver adminchanges the map and maintains client connections
changelevel2 <mapname>serverserver admincontinues the current game on a new map
cmdlistserverserver adminlists all of the console commands - * if you type 'cmdlist 
        a', it will only list those commands that begin with the letter a, and 
        so on - also, 'cmdlist log logfile writes the list to C:\logfile
cr_demoman #serverserver admin sets the number of demomen allowed on a team
cr_engineer #serverserver admin sets the number of engineers allowed on a team
cr_hw #serverserver admin sets the number of hw's allowed on a team
cr_medic #serverserver admin sets the number of medics allowed on a team
cr_pyro #serverserver admin sets the number of pyros allowed on a team
cr_sniper #serverserver admin sets the number of snipers allowed on a team
cr_soldier #serverserver admin sets the number of soldiers allowed on a team
cr_spy #serverserver admin sets the number of spies allowed on a team
cvarlistserverserver adminlists all the console variables in the console - * 'cvar 
        log filename' will write this list to the file C:\filename
decalfrequency <seconds>serverserver adminsets how frequently players can display their logo - * default 
        is 30
dropclientserverserver admindisconnects a client from a server
exec <filename>serverserver adminexecutes a script of .cfg file
exitserverserver admincloses a game or dedicated server program to windows without 
filterban 0serverserver admintoggles ip banning - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' [more]
heartbeatserverserver adminsends a heartbeat signal to the master server to "remind" 
        the master server that your server is still online and available
host_framerate 0serverserver adminsets the speed that the host/server interacts with the game
host_killtime 0serverserver adminsets a time delay before killing the server
hostname <name>serverserver adminsets the server hostname [more]
hostport 27015serverserver adminsets connection port for the server
info <userid>serverserver adminlists info on a player
ip_hostport 0serverserver adminsets the server port for a TCP/IP game
ipx_serverport 0serverserver adminsets the server port for an IPX game
keysserverserver adminshows the CD key info [more]
kick <player>serverserver adminkicks a player from a server using their name [more]
kick # <keys#>serverserver adminkicks a player from a server using their id keys # - get 
        this # from using the "keys" command [more]
kick # <userid>serverserver adminkicks a player from a server using their userid - get the 
        userid from using the "users" command - **Version only 
killserverserverserver adminshuts down the server
listidserverserver adminlists the uniqueid's in the banlist
listipserverserver adminlists the ip addresses in the filterban list
log on
        log off
serverserver admintoggles logging [more]
logaddress <ip> <port>serverserver adminsets the address for logfile when logging to a remote machine
lservercfgfileserverserver adminsets the listen server config file - default is listenserver.cfg
map <mapname>serverserver adminchanges the map running on server and disconnects 
        currently connected players [more]
mapcyclefile 0serverserver adminspecifies the name of the list of maps to cycle through 
        on a server - * default is 'mapcycle.txt'
maps <substring>serverserver adminlists maps containing <substring>
maxplayers 16serverserver adminsets maximum number of clients allowed on a server [more]
motd_display_time 8serverserver adminsets the amount of time that the motd will remain displayed 
        on players' screens
mp_autocrosshair 0serverserver admintoggles the use of autoaim crosshairs - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
mp_decals 300serverserver adminsets the maximum number of decals to be displayed at a time 
mp_falldamage 0server server admintoggles realistic fall damage - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' 
mp_flashlight 0serverserver admintoggles use of flashlight for clients - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 
        'off' [more]
mp_footsteps 0serverserver admintoggles footstep sounds - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' [more]
mp_forcerespawn 0serverserver admintoggles forcing clients to immediately respawn when killed 
        - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' [more]
mp_fraglimit 40serverserver adminsets number of frags that changes maps when reached [more]
mp_friendlyfire 0serverserver admintoggles friendly fire damage from teammates - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off' [more]
mp_logecho 0serverserver admintoggles logging of echo commands - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
mp_logfile 0serverserver admintoggles logging during multiplayer games - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'

mp_teamlist <teamname/modelname;


serverserver adminsets the teamnames and models used for the teams in teamplay 
        mode [more]
mp_teamplay 21serverserver adminset the flag number (such as 21 listed here) to enable teamplay 
        with that flag number's corresponding actions [more]
mp_timelimit 25serverserver adminsets the time in minutes between map changes [more]
mp_weaponstay 0serverserver admintoggles whether weapons remain after a player picks them 
        up - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' [more]
password <pass>serverserver adminsets private server password
pathserverserver admindisplays current search path
pausable 0serverserver admintoggles whether or not clients can pause a server game - 
        * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' [more]
pingserverserver admindisplays pings of all clients
port 27015serverserver adminsets the defualt server connection port
quitserverserver adminexits to windows without confirmation
rcon <password>
        rcon <command>
serverserver adminremote console command of a server - * <password> 
        must be given first by rcon client before any commands will be accepted 
        by the server [more]
rcon_address <ip addy>serverserver adminsets the rcon ip address [more]
rcon_password <pass>serverserver adminsets the rcon password [more]
rcon_port 27015serverserver adminsets the rcon console port [more]
registered 0serverserver admin
reloadserverserver adminreloads current map
removeid <uniqueid>serverserver adminremoves uniqueid from being banned on a server - **Version / only [more]
removeip <ip addy>serverserver adminremoves ip address from the filterban list [more]
restartclient/ serverserver adminrestarts the current map and cleans the slate
setmaster <ip or hostname>serverserver adminsets the master server - * use either an ip addy or a hostname 
stuffcmdsserverserver adminused to initialize client console commands from server and 
        restarts server and then does some funky thing to the server display
sv_accelerate 10serverserver adminsets the player acceleration for a server
sv_aim 0serverserver admintoggles auto-aim for clients - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' [more]
sv_airaccelerate 10serverserver adminsets the movement speed while player is in the air
sv_airmove 0serverserver admintoggles clients ability to move in the air
sv_allow_downloadserverserver adminenables ability of clients to download maps and decals
sv_allow_uploadserverserver adminenables ability of clients to upload models and decals
sv_allowdownload 0serverserver admintoggles the ability of clients to download maps and decals 
        - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
sv_allowupload 0serverserver admintoggles the ability of clients to upload models and decals 
        - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
sv_bounce 0serverserver admintoggles bounce pads - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
sv_challengetime 15serverserver adminsets the time allowed for clients to connect to a game
sv_cheats 0serverserver admintoggles cheats - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
sv_clienttrace 3.5serverserver adminsets the client bounding box for collisions
sv_clipmode 0serverserver admintoggles client clipping mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
sv_friction 4serverserver adminsets friction
sv_gravity 800serverserver adminsets level of in-game gravity
sv_idealpitchscale 0.800serverserver adminsets the pitch preference
sv_lan 0serverserver admintoggles LAN server mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
sv_language 0serverserver adminsets language
sv_logrelayserverserver admin
sv_maxrate 5000 serverserver adminsets the maximum data rate allowed on a server - good for 
        HPB only servers - **Version only [more]
sv_maxspectators 8serverserver adminsets the maximum number of spectators - spectator mode does 
        not currently work
sv_maxspeed 500serverserver adminsets the maximum player speed for all clients [more]
sv_maxvelocity 2000serverserver adminsets the maximum velocity
sv_minrate 8000 serverserver adminsets the minimum data rate allowed on a server - good for 
        LPB only servers - **Version only [more]
sv_netsize 0serverserver adminsets the maximum network packet size - * 0 = auto
sv_newunit 0serverserver admin
sv_password 0serverserver adminsets a password for clients to enter a server
sv_print_customserverserver admingives me SZ_Overflow error and then exits server
sv_sendvelocity 1serverserver admin
sv_showcmd 0serverserver admin
sv_skyname 0serverserver adminsets the sky texture
sv_smartdelta 1serverserver admin
sv_spectalk 1serverserver admintoggles allowing spectator clients to chat - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off' - spectator mode does not currently work
sv_spectator_password 0serverserver adminsets a password for clients to enter spectator mode - spectator 
        mode does not currently work
sv_spectatormaxspeed 500serverserver adminsets the maximum movement speed of spectators - spectator 
        mode does not currently work
sv_stepsize 18serverserver adminsets monster and player auto step-up size - * larger values 
        allows auto-climbing of steeper slopes
sv_stopspeed 100serverserver adminspeed at which the player stops when running forward, back, 
        left or right
sv_timeout 65serverserver adminsets the timeout inactivity limit
sv_typeserverserver adminenables server cpu and os type to be given out on server 
sv_upload_maxsize 0serverserver adminsets the maximum upload file size
sv_wateraccelerate 10serverserver adminsets the in-water acceleration of clients
sv_wateramp 0serverserver admin
sv_waterfriction 1serverserver adminsets friction underwater
sv_zmax 4096serverserver adminsets the maximum zbuffer size
statusserverserver adminlists each client and the following info for each client: 
        user#, frags, name, framerate, latency, ping, packet drop %
team 0serverserver admintoggles team mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
team1_color <color>serverserver adminsets team1 color
team1_model <model>serverserver adminsets team1 model
team1_name <name>serverserver adminsets team1 name
team1_skin <skin>serverserver adminsets team1 skin
team2_color <color>serverserver adminsets team2 color
team2_model <model>serverserver adminsets team2 model
team2_name <name>serverserver adminsets team2 name
team2_skin <skin>serverserver adminsets team2 skin
tfc_adminpwd <password>serverserver adminsets the tfc admin password - *use "admin <password" 
        in the in-game console to take rcon of server
tfc_autoteam 0serverserver admintoggles auto-team selection - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
tfc_balance_scores 0serverserver admintoggles team balancing by score - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
tfc_balance_teams 0serverserver admintoggles team balancing by number of players - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
tfc_birthdayserverserver admintoggles birthday mode (explosives appear as presents) - 
        * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
tfc_clanbattle 0serverserver admintoggles tfc clan battle (tournament) mode - * 1 is 'on', 
        0 is 'off'
tfc_clanbattle_ceasefire 0serverserver admintoggles ceasefire mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', 'tfc_clanbattle' 
        must be set to 1
tfc_clanbattle_locked 0serverserver admintoggles locked (play) mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', 'tfc_clanbattle' 
        must be set to 1
tfc_clanbattle_prematch 0serverserver admintoggles prematch (practice) mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', 
        'tfc_clanbattle' must be set to 1
tfc_fragscoring 0serverserver admintoggles inclusion of frags in team score total - * 1 is 
        'on', 0 is 'off'
tfc_respawndelay 0serverserver adminsets respawn delay in tfc games
tfc_spam_limit 20serverserver adminsets number of messages per time period that will cause 
        spamming penalty
tfc_spam_penalty1 8serverserver adminsets spam penalty level 1
tfc_spam_penalty2 2serverserver adminsets spam penalty level2
usersserverserver admin lists all players with their corresponding userid's (#'s 
        generated by server) and uniqueid's (id # unique per cd key and assigned 
        by WON) - **Version only [more]
writeidserverserver adminwrites unique id's to banned.cfg - **Version 
        only [more]
writeipserverserver adminwrites ip addresses to listip.cfg [more]







Weapon Restriction and Control




Command n Rules




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